Tuesday 12.5.20

Tuesday 12.5.20

The Curriculum Challenge for today is  https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zktjqp3, but please make sure you complete the tasks below first. Thank you.

Introduction to Europe - France

Click the link above to watch the videos about Uncle Bob’s trip around France.

Once you have watched the videos, complete the two activities at the bottom of the website.

Activity 1: Do you remember what we saw in France?

Activity 2: Play Pirate Bunnies: World Adventures

To celebrate Nurse’s Day, read the following text ‘What does a nurse do?’ and answer the questions in full sentences.

Thank you to all the NHS workers!



Identify the different features of the setting description.

Colour each feature in a different colour.
How many can you find?
