Tuesday 19.5.20

Tuesday 19.5.20

The Curriculum Challenge for today is https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z4k6hbk but please make sure you complete the tasks below first. Thank you.

Introduction to Africa- Nigeria
Watch the following clips on the link above about Uncle Bob’s travels to Nigeria in Africa.
Then complete the following tasks at the bottom of the website.

Activity 1: Do you remember what we saw in Nigeria 
Activity 2: Play Pirate Bunnies: World Adventures. 

Choose a book of your choice. Read it carefully and complete the following tasks from A – D.

Think about our story for this week ‘How to hide a lion’.

Iris has trouble hiding the lion in her house, but where would you hide a lion in your house?
Remember to explain why.

Once you have written your sentence you can draw a picture of the lion hiding in your house. 
