Tuesday 16.6.20

Tuesday 16.6.20

The Curriculum Challenge for today is https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zdk26v4 , but please make sure you complete the reading, writing and maths tasks first. Thank you.

Learn about Australia including the Northern Territory, the Great Barrier Reef and the wider continent of Oceania.

Complete the activities at the bottom of the website.

Activity 1: Do you remember what we saw in the Northern Territory?
Activity 2: Play Pirate Bunnies: World Adventures
Activity 3: Have a go at drawing a Kangaroo or Koala



Identify the imperative verbs and try and use them in the given sentences.
An imperative verb is known as a command and it tells people what to do.

E.g. Throw the rubbish in the bin. 
